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Should you headbutt a cat if he bonks you?

When your cat bonks you, they may not want you to literally headbutt them in return. (Although, you can certainly try.) Dr. Barrett says petting your cat can stimulate the scent glands in their head. “Not only does this allow their scent to be transferred to us, but it also relaxes your cat.”

Are head bunts a sign of neurological damage in cats?

While head bunts are typically nothing to worry about, they can resemble head pressing. This rare behavior often signifies neurological damage in cats. If you ever see your cat pressing their head against a rigid surface, like the wall or a table leg, you’ll want to get them to a vet right away.

How do I get Started with catbonk?

Let CATBONK show you the way to crypto greatness! 1. To get started with buying CATBONK. you'll need to download a wallet such as Trust Wallet or Metamask from the App store or Google Play store, For desktop users. simply head to and download the Google Chrome extension. It's free and easy to use.

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